
The General Approach

  • Clone the repo
  • Setup the environment
  • Clone Fismo on a supported chain
  • Conceive and configure a Fismo style state machine and experiment descriptor
  • Create a folder under contracts/lab
  • Add your contracts for guard, operator, or any other needed functionality
  • Deploy your experiment

The Fismology repo provides scripts for cloning Fismo and deploying experiments.

It uses the SDK, which has the contract ABI, interfaces, self-validating domain entities, the offical deployments, and more more. All Javascript support for browsers and Node environments.

So put on your goggles, grab your lab coat, and clone or fork the Fismology repo, and get going:

  • 📋 Environment Setup - Setup your local development environment.
  • 📋 Tasks - Common dev tasks implemented as NPM scripts.